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Welcome to Crypto Mining Lab

The Advanced Way Of Sourcing Your Mining Equipment
From Asic Miner to Immersion Cooling and Hosting

Price List updated daily 

Hosting Services


Take Your Mining Operation to a New Level 

As Power rates continue to hit all time high , running a profitable mining operation become hard 
Whether you are trying to host your existing miners or planning to invest in crypto mining and diversify your portfolio 

We are offering hosting service with a reasonable rates including professional management team and repair center at site 

Up to 5MW power load per farm , scalable to up to 100MW, a combination of renovable and low cost electricity , we can make you mining operation profitable again


About Us

With our innovative ways and extensive knowledge , we strive to serve our customers  every day . (KINAA HUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY SHENZHEN LIMIMTED ) was Founded in 2013, our incredible team of programmers, Crypto Mining enthusiasts  and sourcing agents have worked tirelessly to bring Crypto Mining Lab to the forefront of the Crypto Mining industry. We will continue to work relentlessly to become the sourcing  standard, providing big picture insights and solutions for Mining Farms of all sizes and Individuals .  Get in touch to learn more.

Contact Us

What We Do

At Crypto Mining Lab, we believe that our solutions will soon become one of the biggest segments in the industry. Located in the heart of Chinese silicon valley (Shenzhen)where most Asic mining are produced , but we already know that every product we Source  requires hard-earned skills, dedication and a daring attitude. Continue reading and learn all there is to know about the strategy  behind our successful Sourcing services.


Get in Touch

We’re happy to hear from you. Contact us today to learn more about our services sourcing your Crypto mining Equipment from Asic miners , Immersion cooling systems , to overclocking bits  ,  and how you can benefit from working with us.

WhatsApp /WeChat +8615502021215

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